Turkish citizenship when purchasing real estate

Turkish Citizenship when Buying Real Estate | Basic Apartment

Recently, Turkey has become a leader among countries that encourage investment in real estate. When purchasing a home or any commercial property, you can obtain the right to a residence permit (for a period of 1 year with remote extension of this period) or even Turkish citizenship.

Let's look at why Turkey is suitable for obtaining a residence permit, what you will need to apply for citizenship, and what living conditions the country offers.

Advantages of living in the Republic of Turkey

Turkey is one of the most popular and favorite tourist destinations among Russians. The mild climate, warm sea, and low prices make Turkish resorts affordable.

Turkey is washed by four seas: the Black and Marmara - from the north, the Mediterranean - from the south, the Aegean - from the east. The sea coast is hundreds of kilometers long, has a beautiful landscape, and many historical and cultural sites. There are also interesting routes for tourists and picturesque locations for recreation. The Turkish climate is suitable for health improvement and rehabilitation; it is recommended for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

Benefits of obtaining citizenship in Turkey:

  • Comfortable climate. The average temperature in summer is +29 ⁰C, in winter - +15-18 ⁰C. Frosts do occur, but not for long and not in all regions.
  • In Turkey, Russian tourists are greeted kindly. The local population is very hospitable and easily gets along with foreigners.
  • Good healthcare system. Over the past 10 years, medical reform has occurred in the country. The level of medical services has increased significantly. You can receive treatment in both public and private clinics.
  • All necessary infrastructure. Even in small towns there are kindergartens, schools, development centers, sports clubs, etc.
  • The transport sector is well developed. Most roads are in good condition, and the city transport system is well established.
  • Affordable prices for food and medicine.
  • Turkish clothing is famous all over the world.
  • There are many youth programs, including multicultural ones.

The most affordable way to obtain a residence permit or citizenship in Turkey is to purchase real estate.

How to get a residence permit?

To live legally in the Republic of Turkey, citizens who are not subjects of the state will need to obtain an Ikamet. This is a special mandate that gives the right to a residence permit. Can be short term or long term.

In what cases is a residence permit granted:

  • When purchasing real estate from $50,000–75,000 (for different regions). This is a residence permit under TAPU.
  • When registering a business in Turkey and hiring employees, but for a residence permit the latter is not necessary.
  • Upon admission to a Turkish university.
  • Upon receiving an invitation to work in a Turkish company.
  • A residence permit is issued for the duration of treatment in a Turkish clinic. For confirmation, you will need receipts and other documents from medical institutions.
  • A family residence permit is available for a wife/husband if one of the spouses is already a Turkish citizen. But you need to prove that the marriage was not for a visa.
  • A tourist card is issued for tourism in the country.

A residence permit based on the purchase of real estate is the most likely way to obtain a residence permit in Turkey. When purchasing an apartment or house, a resident will be able to stay in the country for at least 1 year. After the expiration of the term, the right can be extended. To maintain your status, you must spend at least six months in Turkey. A residence permit can be obtained not only by the owner, but also by his spouse, parents, and children.

A residence permit may be refused in the following cases:

  • if the resident has received social benefits for the last three months;
  • the level of income sufficient to live in Turkey has not been confirmed;
  • there is no insurance policy issued in a Turkish clinic;
  • The applicant has a criminal record and poses a threat to society.

If you manage to live in Turkey under a TAPU residence permit for 5 years, you can apply for full citizenship. At the same time, you will not depend on strangers.

Even if you do not want to have Turkish citizenship, but simply continue to live in the country for a long time, you can switch to conditions of indefinite stay on the basis of a residence permit. Unlike short-term ikamet, there is no need to apply for renewal every year. In fact, this is permanent residence.

What documents will you need?

To obtain a residence permit in Turkey with the right to real estate, you need to fill out an application electronically. It is better to apply while in the country.

What documents will be needed:

  • Passport - original and copy. The latter must be translated into Turkish and confirmed by a notary. It is important that the document is not expired. The passport must be valid for 2 months longer than the time for renewal of the residence permit.
    TAPU or certificate of ownership. Registers the transfer of rights from one owner to another.
  • Confirmation of the real value of the property. Issued by a specialized agency. The rules only apply to properties purchased after spring 2022.
  • Biometric photos. It is better to make them directly in Turkey (in one of the salons). Local photographers know the photo requirements for a residence permit.
  • Health insurance policy, copy of the contract with the insurance service. Policies issued in both private and municipal (SGK) clinics are suitable. The validity period of the policy must correspond to the period for which the residence permit is requested.

To obtain a residence permit when purchasing real estate, you need to indicate the amount and source of income. Additionally, they may request a bank account statement and other documents to confirm income.

What kind of real estate can you invest in?

In 2022, some conditions for obtaining a residence permit and Turkish citizenship have changed. A threshold for the cost of housing was introduced; now this amount must be no less than:

  • $75,000 for apartments and houses in provinces belonging to the capital municipal district (in 30 of 81);
  • $50,000 in other regions.

Also, when purchasing real estate, you need to find out in advance whether the Migration Agency is considering new applications in a particular quarter. The fact is that in some quarters of Istanbul and other large cities the registration of foreigners has been suspended. That is, they are not suitable for obtaining Turkish citizenship. This is due to the high population density of immigrants from other countries. This list is constantly changing, so please refer to it immediately before entering into a transaction.

The exception is family reunification, the appearance of children within the framework of a family residence permit.

There is one more feature. Citizens of Russia and Ukraine are not allowed to buy real estate in cities such as Zonguldak, Samsun, Trabzon, etc. This rule is dictated by reasons of state security.

Today, a foreigner can buy no more than 30 hectares of Turkish land. If the plot was purchased for individual development, the owner is obliged to submit a complete design of the house or other building to the managing municipality two years before the start of construction.

Purchase rules

To purchase real estate it is not necessary to have citizenship or residence permit. Property can be registered in the name of an individual or legal entity.

Turkey has a huge selection of real estate. These are small apartments, spacious apartments in modern residential complexes, view penthouses, cottages, houses, mansions by the sea. There is an opportunity to invest in real estate during the construction phase. Equity participation will also become a reason for obtaining a residence permit or citizenship if all other conditions are met.

You can also purchase real estate in the commercial sector - a store, retail space, hotel, restaurant, industrial or production facility.

Stages of purchasing real estate in Turkey:

  • Selecting an object.
  • Applying for a visa to enter the country. Russians can stay in Turkey for two months.
    Checking the object from the legal side. It is necessary to check the presence of an iskan, that is, a technical passport of the object, TAPU - title of ownership. Also, there should be no encumbrances on the property - mortgages, court arrest, debt.
  • Signing the purchase and sale agreement.
  • Payment of a deposit. Typically this is 10-20% of the total cost of the property.
  • Preparation of documents for legal registration of the transaction.
  • Full payment.
  • Re-registration to a new owner, registration of ownership, obtaining TAPU.
  • Signing contracts for the provision of utility services.

After this, you can apply for a residence permit.

To determine the value of real estate, you must contact a licensed appraiser. The list is on the website of the Turkish Association of Appraisers. Before concluding a transaction, you need to find out the real price of an apartment or house. You can do this yourself or through a real estate agency.

You can search for real estate yourself - through special services (Hepsiemlak and Sahibinden). But it is better to entrust this work to an agency. The second option is preferable, since without knowledge of the Turkish language it is impossible to control the transaction. The main thing is to choose a licensing agency with a good rating.

How to obtain Turkish citizenship for purchasing real estate

Turkish citizenship is different from a residence permit. The residence permit has a validity period. The right of stay must be extended, while proving the legitimacy of one’s status in the country. Citizenship is permanent. In addition, the resident receives all the rights of a resident of Turkey.

We must remember that a residence permit is a prerequisite for obtaining citizenship. Even with a large investment in real estate, you will not receive citizenship just like that.

Türkiye has remained loyal to Russians investing in real estate. Buying a home today is a fast and reliable way to obtain a Turkish passport.

What are the benefits of Turkish citizenship:

  • visa-free entry to 110 countries;
  • you can leave your Russian passport;
  • C-2 Schengen visa and E2 business visa are available for entry into the USA;
  • preferential taxation;
  • transfer of business to Turkey, use of the international financial system;
  • social benefits and pensions.

The investment program remains the most effective option for obtaining citizenship. There are several implementation options:

  • Purchase of commercial or residential real estate over $400,000. After purchase, the property must be owned for at least 5 years. Only after this can it be rented or sold.
  • Investments in the authorized capital of Turkey (at least $500,000).
  • Placing a deposit in banks for $500,000 for a period of three years, purchasing securities for the same amount.
  • Registration of a business for three years with the opening of at least 50 jobs.

The program is open to adults who have not previously been prosecuted. The program is not available to citizens of Cuba, Syria, Armenia, North Korea, and Nigeria.

How much does Turkish real estate cost?

In 2023, real estate in Turkey has risen in price significantly, in some segments by 199%. This is due to the unstable political situation in the world, natural disasters, and the general economic situation in Europe.

Today, the average price of 1 m² of housing in Turkey is $723 (as of July 2023). Based on this, the average price of an apartment is $94,000. But at the same time, the pace of construction is very high; thousands of real estate properties are commissioned in the country every year.

Several promising regions can be identified for investment in order to obtain a residence permit or citizenship:

  • Istanbul. A large economic center with a fairly high standard of living. Real estate is mainly sold in the European part of the city. There is a housing shortage here, which is why prices are very high. In the central elite neighborhoods, the cost of housing reaches $14 thousand per 1 m², in new areas with good infrastructure - from 4.5 thousand to $8 thousand per 1 m².
  • Antalya. The province is being built up at an active pace. Today, about 30% of all real estate purchased by foreigners is located in Antalya. The average price for 1 m² is from 92,500 to 108,800 rubles, and a two-room apartment in Antalya with an area of 60 m² will cost 5.6 million rubles.
  • Bodrum. A very promising area for investment. Here, the average price for an apartment/villa/house is $418 thousand, but the area of residential real estate here is considerable. On average - 148 m².

The following cities are in demand today for purchasing real estate: Istanbul, Antalya, Mersin, Ankara, Bursa, Yalova, Izmir, Alanya.

Additional information for foreign citizens

It is worth considering that when purchasing real estate, a resident receives not only benefits, but also certain responsibilities. So, for renting out housing you will have to pay 20% to the state. The annual property tax is 2% of its value. But you don’t need to pay for the first 4 years after purchase.

Foreigners who have obtained a residence permit receive SGK health insurance.

What questions are clients interested in?

Can I obtain Turkish citizenship when buying an apartment/house?

Yes, if the price of the property is above $400,000.

How to get a residence permit in Turkey?

You can live legally in Turkey with a tourist, medical, family or work visa. Also, a residence permit is issued for 1 year with an extension when purchasing a home from $50-75 thousand.

Can a Russian buy an apartment in the Republic of Turkey?

Yes, any citizen of the Russian Federation can purchase real estate in Turkey in the residential or commercial sector.

Do I need to pay tax when buying a home in Turkey?

Yes, when purchasing a home you must pay 4% of the cadastral value.

Is there a difference between an apartment and an apartment in Turkey?

No. Either an apartment or an apartment is a living space in an apartment building.

In what cases may a residence permit not be issued?

Buying an apartment does not provide a 100% guarantee of receiving ikamet. Common reasons for refusal:

  • The value of the property does not meet the established threshold.
  • Illegality of the transaction. For example, if the property has not been inspected by a
  • licensed appraiser.
  • Failure to comply with visa conditions.
  • If a candidate poses a threat to society, he violates the laws of the country.
  • Incorrect or erroneous documentation.
  • Health problems.
  • Questionable financial situation.

Is it possible to stay in the Republic of Turkey after being refused a residence permit?

No, after receiving a refusal you must leave the state within 10 days, otherwise a fine will be imposed.

Is it possible to work in Turkey with a residence permit?

No. To do this, a work permit or citizenship is issued.

Basic Apartment will provide assistance in purchasing property on the sunny coast. We will take into account your requests, offer the best options, and help at all stages of the transaction, including during the process of obtaining a residence permit.

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